We would like to advise you of the following Terms and Conditions of hire. These apply to all
bookings at CEC and must be agreed to by the hirer prior to any event of hire. Confirmation
of any hire is deemed to be acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Hire charges must be paid on or prior to hire date.
Hirer must ensure their event is covered by suitable insurance CEC will not be held liable for any undertakings in or on the grounds. CEC will not be liable for any claim for accidents, injury, loss or similar, however caused to either
horse, rider or spectator
Hirers must supply their own First Aiders
CEC Arenas may find it necessary to change or cancel
booking. Where the change is considered and decided by CEC Arenas you will be
offered the option to accept the change or to receive a full refund of any monies paid
against the booking. CEC Arenas is not responsible for any other costs, expenses or damages
which may have been incurred by the client or their guest as a result of the change.
Hirers must stick to allocated time slot so they don’t interfere with any other bookings.
Use of the arena is at hirers risk. All hirers are advised to check arena before entering to
ensure that it has been left in a safe condition by the previous occupant.
All clients hosting an event are deemed responsible and must ensure full compliance with
relevant Health and Safety Policies.
CEC Arenas reserve the right to halt any actions which we consider to be contrary to our
Health and Safety policy or which we consider to be unsafe.
No Smoking in arenas or on the premises at all
All clients and guests and customers are required to adhere to commonly accepted
standards of decency and good behaviour. Racial abuse, discrimination, swearing and loud
or aggressive conduct will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to ask any person on the
premises to leave immediately. We reserve the right to refuse admission to any persons
without giving reason.
No horses to be left tied up outside wagon or trailers.
No mucking out onto lorry park
no giving horses hay/haylage outside trailers/horseboxes
Litter is to be taken home or disposed of in bins
Children under 16 years are to be supervised at all times
Please return any equipment used back to its storage area after use unless already set up
prior to hire or with CEC permission to leave out
The hirer is responsible for any damage caused to the premises or equipment and must pay
the total amount required to make good any such damage
Please Poo pick during and straight after your hire
Charges apply for CEC arena staff to provide this service
It is mandatory for all riders to wear a protective helmet to British standard EN1384
Or PAS015, at all times whilst mounted on REC property.
Body protectors are advised and suitable foot wear worn
Dogs are to be kept on leads and kept under control at all times
All hirers must bring someone with them or provide contact details in case of emergency.
Daily rates of hire *** Between the hours of 8am – 8pm *** (Additional charges will occur
for out of hours)
*CEC will provide an arena fit for its purpose. For hire over more than one day arena
presentation will be addressed at the end of each day. Additional grading will be charged
accordingly. *
* Lighting used for daily hire will be charged at £5 per hour per arena*
* Where hire runs out of hours and CEC Arena staff are required an additional charge will be
made at the discretion of CEC Arenas*
Carpark must be cleared of litter and horse droppings by the hirer*