Caistor Equestrian Centre has a fantastic cross country course with jumps ranging from 30cm to 90cm. This is sited on the main campus which we use for our One Day Events and for our clinics which we run periodically throughout the year.
Our One Day Event course consists of around twenty jumps for each class and then a separate additional time section. These purpose built courses offer the opportunity to gain experience over cross country jumps that range from 30cm for the lower course up to 90cm for the higher course.
The whole course is run in an enclosed space and gives clients and competitors the chance to compete and build up their confidence at a Hunter Trial or a One Day Event in a safe environment. The entire course can be seen from a single view point which is an added benefit for the on-looking associates of the competitors. We purposely included all the usual challenges of banks, corners, ditches, drops, skinnies, water, etc., but all in a smaller version than a standard cross country course. It is a stepping stone to bigger things.
Additionally at our satellite yard, we have an international sized water complex which we use for dedicated in-house clinics or one-to-one lessons for clients on their own horses.
Sections of our cross country course on our main complex are available for hire, however in order to avoid disappointment it is essential you check when ringing Reception to make your booking, just which fences will be available because this changes on a week to week basis.